A new blog. New beginnings. Documenting the role we, as parents, have in the lives of our children. Dave and I have talked and prayed about whether this is a venture we wanted to take together. After all, it's one more thing to add to an already busy schedule. But...we feel like sharing. Not because we think we are perfect parents, not because we want to preach to you about living the way we do. We want to share because we feel, as parents, it is our role to teach, to instill, to nurture those values in our children that we want to see in this world. We've served as a family in various capacities and have such a passion for raising our children to serve others as well. We do our best to live by the scripture "Do not merely listen to the word, and so deceive yourselves. Do what it says." -James 1:22. At times, we fail and that's okay. But, we never stop trying and that's key.
This is the verse behind the blog name. We chose "Bring Up James" not because we're raising a son named James, many of you already know that. It comes from the idea that we are bringing up children to act as the book of James teaches us to do. We hope that as you read this blog, you are inspired to not just listen to the word, but to act on it. To take these ideas we lay out and do them with your family.