Thursday, December 12, 2013

Oh, Christmas "Tree"

A few years ago, before we had any kids my wife and I had a serious talk about Christmas future.  It was uncomfortable but we had to do it.  It just wasn’t the same anymore and convenience seemed like a bigger factor than tradition.  We weighed our pros and cons, discussed the financial angle and made a decision I never thought I would ever make.  We bought a fake tree. 

I remember the day well.  In a final search for that “prefect Christmas tree” we went out; one last time.  But, instead of a back mountain lot in the chilly winter air, it was 4 aisles in at Target.  (And to our luck, it was 20% off.)  We looked at each one, and went with an 8 foot, pre-lit, beauty.  Over the years we’ve bought cars, moved homes, invested a little money…but perhaps no investment has brought a better return than when that fake tree comes out of the garage at Christmas time. 

Yesterday I saw a tree, strapped to the roof of a car, pine needles flying off and I thought, “Wow, Im so glad I don’t do that anymore.” There's no more tying, netting, vacuuming or water spilling.  But still, I wonder if my kids are missing out….on a great Christmas tradition; picking out the tree.  I think they would be missing something if we could actually go to a tree lot and cut down a tree.  When I was a kid we used to chop down our own tree. We’d drive up to the mountains, cut the tree down and bring it home.  But since then, about eight Wal-Marts have opened up on the way to that Christmas Tree lot. Now, as a result,  that tree lot has since closed.  So are my kids missing tradition with a fake tree?  Not really.  Because, what they are actually missing out on is a drive to the Home Depot parking lot watching some 17 year old kid, in an orange apron, throw my tree on the car roof and then throw me a “hang loose” as he walks away. 

And so, instead of an axe and a bow saw, I pull out a red body bag from the garage.  I unzip it, pullout three pieces, and assemble my tree.  I can bend the Gumby-like branches anyway I want and then plug it in.  And like the electric glow of a warm leg lamp in the window my tree is up and lit and Christmas has arrived.  Then all we need is a pine tree air freshener shoved in the side and it’s an old fashioned holiday.
