Wednesday, January 15, 2014

2014 Word of the Year

A few years ago my wife introduced me to the “word of the year” idea.  Instead of resolutions that you don’t keep, you take one word and make that your goal for the upcoming year.  In the past I have done “patience”, “give” and last year was "Time"So as 2013 began to exit I looked back to see what my word of the year should be going forward.  I decided on “Happy”. 

Despite my past year being filled with blessings, I can’t say that I have been an incredibly happy person the last 12 months.  And to be honest, I can’t tell you why.  My family is healthy, work has been steady,  I had the opportunity to go back to Haiti, and my baby son, despite his rocky start is doing great.  So, why, am I struggling to realize those things and be joyful?  It’s not that I’m in some deep depression or in a pit of despair….but generally, for all God has blessed me with, I’ve been seeing only my own shortcomings instead. 

A few months ago my pastor did a series on the “comparison trap”.  (Have you ever noticed when you buy a new car that suddenly everyone around you is driving the same car?  Do you know how many “champagne colored Odysseys” are out there?  That’s how I felt when I started that series.)  For months prior, I felt like I was distracted by comparing myself to others….and then I started seeing it everywhere.  The main culprits were work and Facebook.  No matter how busy I was at work one of my colleagues was doing more.   Then, when I was doing more, someone was on vacation.  (Perhaps the only thing better than being busy when you’re self-employed, is being able to take a vacation).  But then came Facebook; a daily reminder of how much better someone else’s day is compared to mine.  My friends were in Hawaii when I was at the office, they are eating sushi when I’m reheating leftovers,  they’re on date nights with their spouses while I’m watching “My Little Pony”.  No matter how great my day is – someone out there is having better one, and they have pictures to prove it.

Was I so shallow that I couldn’t appreciate catching up with my friends and instead looked on with envy?  Maybe.  But what I need to do is either disconnect or appreciate what I have.  I need to look at my wife’s beautiful face and kind heart and realize how blessed I am.  I need to watch my kids watch “My Little Pony” and know that their time, content with me sitting next to them, is limited and precious.   I need to go to work, do the best I can and be happy that I can come home, (and despite how bad that day sucked know that I am blessed to have the job I do).  It’s not all going to be, “Sushi date nights in Hawaii with my wife”.  But, each day that I am alive, God is blessing me.

We read in James, to take joy in our troubles.  And when I feel like a failure as a parent, or when everything is crashing down around me, I will look forward to the quiet times that God offers.  Moments when I can go to Him in quite prayer and say, “I need your help”.  And like a parent, comforting a child, I feel His presence and know He is there.  Maybe that is His way of reminding me, “I am here.”  When we forget to rely on God, I think sometimes He allows us to enter situations where we need Him.  So instead of distress, I’m looking to those moments for peace and security this year.  When you get to the point where there is nothing more you can do, all control is out the window and you have to rely 100% on God that’s when peace comes in.  I stop what I’m doing, take a walk and be quiet.  I listen and then I pray.  In those quiet moments (and sometimes pleading moments) I find joy.  That’s my goal for 2014.

I know I won’t achieve some nirvana like utopia this year.  I don't want that.  But instead I want to be happy with what God has given me and not compare it to what I don’t have.  And, when faced with hardships, look to God to find that joy and use that time to grow closer with Him.

When I select a “Word of the Year” I try to make some physical reminder to keep with me.  I had a 3X5 card in my car with the word “patience” on it.  My wife stenciled the word “Give” above my desk in our home office.  So, for “happy” I made this, (below).  I listed out reasons, that despite my day, I should be happy for these blessings.  I listed my past words on the bottom to remind me.   As unlike a resolution, I spend a year working on that word so hopefully by the time January rolls around again that word is engrained as part of my daily life.  When I get in the up in the morning, pour that cup of coffee and begin my quiet time with God ,I hope to remember to thank him and to feel blessed each day.


2014 Word of the Year


  • You have a God that loves you AND knows you
    • And even though at times He feels absent;  He’s not.  And even though His timing doesn’t feel right; it is.
  • You have a wife that loves and cares for you
    • And even though sometimes we’re cranky or too busy, at the end of the day when all you can do is sit on the couch next to each other and catch up on email…it’s still good.
  • You have three amazing children that want to spend time with you
    • And even though, at times, it feels like you’re a riot cop…those three count on YOU and they prefer it that way
  • You have a home and warm bed and He takes care of you
    • And even though at times it’s messy and chaotic…at night your kids and family are safe asleep in bed.
  • You have friends
    • And even though you haven’t spoken to some of them in months maybe…if you call them they will answer the phone.
  • You have the opportunity to serve others everyday
    • And even though you’re over-focused on your own shortcomings or life, each day God gives you the opportunity to make someone else happy too.
Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.  (1 Thessalonians 5:16-18)
Patience / Give / Time / Happy


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